Monday, May 11, 2009


Morning (08:30am)
Cereal breakfast
Any of
Wheat flakes, Corn flakes, Rice flakes, Alu paratha, Idli, Upma, Bhakhri, Shira, Khakra, Whole Wheat bread
Or Eggs, Omlet
Or a RiteBite nutrition bar
150 ml of milk

In-between hunger (11:00am)
1 banana or a RiteBite nutrition bar (preferably RiteBite ChocoDelite)

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Whole wheat Roti, Green vegetable, leafy salad, dahi

Evening (04:30pm)
1 RiteBite nutrition bar (Krunch or any other flavour)
+ 1 fresh fruit juice
Or a fruit plate (with 1 citrus fruit)

Dinner (preferably by 08:30pm)
Dal + rice, Khichadi and a fresh fruit (preferable an apple)

Please check the Dos and Don’ts post


Morning (08:30am)
Cereal breakfast
Any of
Wheat flakes, Corn flakes, Alu paratha(not made in butter or ghee), Idli(avoid sambhar), Upma, Bhakhri, Khakra, Whole Wheat bread (use margarine)
Or a sprout serving + a serving of fruit + 150 ml of milk

Or a RiteBite Merry Berry Low Fat bar + 150 ml of milk (minus cream)

In-between hunger (11:00am)
A RiteBite Sugarless Diet bar

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Whole wheat Roti, Green vegetable, lots of leafy salad.

Evening (04:30pm)

1 RiteBite Merry Berry bar or a Sugarless Diet bar
Or a fruit plate (with citrus fruits)

Dinner (preferably before 08:30pm)
Dal + rice, Khichadi and a fresh fruit (preferably an apple)
Or steamed food like idli, dhokla, rice, without chatni or sauces.

Please check the Dos and Don’ts


Morning (08:30am)
Cereal breakfast
Any of
Boiled Eggs, Wheat flakes, Corn flakes, Alu paratha, Idli, Upma, Bhakhri, Khakra, Sheera, Whole Wheat bread + 150 ml of milk
Or a Sprout bowl + 1 banana + 150ml of milk

In-between hunger (11:00am)
A RiteBite Women bar or a Banana

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Whole wheat Roti, Green vegetable, leafy salad, dahi

Evening (04:30pm)
1 RiteBite Women bar or any RiteBite nutrition bar (Krunch will do)

Dinner (preferably before 08:30pm)
Dal + rice, Khichadi and a fresh fruit (preferable an apple)

Please check the Dos and Don’ts


Morning (08:30am)
Cereal breakfast
Any of
Boiled Eggs, Omlet, Wheat flakes, Corn flakes, Alu paratha, Idli, Upma, Bhakhri, Khakra, Sheera, Whole Wheat bread + 200 ml of milk + 1 banana

In-between hunger (11:00am or tiffin break)
A RiteBite Krunch bar

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Whole wheat Roti, Green vegetable, leafy salad, dahi

Evening (04:30pm)
1 RiteBite Smart bar

Dinner (preferably before 08:30pm)
Any light meal and a fresh fruit (preferable an apple)

For in between meals please stock their school bag, tiffin box and pocket with RiteBite Smart bar.

Please check the Dos and Don’ts


Morning (08:30am)
Cereal breakfast
Any of
Wheat flakes, Corn flakes, Rava Idli(minus sambhar), Upma, Bhakhri, Khakra, Whole Wheat bread (minus butter)
Or a bowl of sprouts + 100 ml of milk (minus sugar)
Or a RiteBite Sugarless Diet bar

In-between hunger (11:00am)
1 RiteBite Sugarless Diet bar

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Whole wheat Roti, Green vegetable(cooked in less oil), leafy salad

Evening (04:30pm)
1 RiteBite Sugarless Diet bar

Dinner (preferably before 08:30pm)
Steamed food and a fresh fruit (preferably pomegranates)

You may stock RiteBite Sugarless bars for convenience and consult your certified doctor before subscribing to any diet plan.

Please check the Dos and Don’ts


Morning (08:30am)
Cereal breakfast
Any of
Wheat flakes, Corn flakes, Aloo paratha, Dosa, Upma, Sheera, Bhakhri, Khakra, Whole Wheat bread sandwhich
+ 1 serving of sprouts + 150 ml of milk

Mid-Day hunger (12:00noon)
1 RiteBite nutrition bar (preferably ChocoDelite)
+ 1 chhaas or fresh lemon juice or any fresh fruit juice from a hygienic spot.

Late lunch (whatever time)
Dosa, Uttappam, Khichadi, Sandwich, Fruit plate

Evening (07:00pm)
1 RiteBite nutrition bar (Any of Krunch, Sugarless Diet bar, Smart, etc)

Dinner (preferably before 09:00pm)
Whole wheat roti, Green vegetable, steamed rice and a fresh fruit (preferably apple)

You may stock RiteBite nutriton bars and purified bottled to avoid junk food / outside food/ contaminated food causing health hazards.

Please check the Dos and Don’ts


Before morning work out
Fresh fruit juice, some Oatmeal cookies

After morning work out
RiteBite Work-Out bar + Fresh Milkshake

Cereal breakfast
Any of
Boiled Eggs, Wheat flakes, Khakra, Paratha
+ 1 serving of sprouts

In-between hunger (11:00am)
Fresh fruit plate

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Whole wheat Roti, Green vegetable, leafy salad, dal ,rice

Evening (04:30pm)
Any of RiteBite nutrition bars - RiteBite Work-Out bar or RiteBite ChocoDelite or RiteBite Sugarless Diet bar depending on the Fitness regime and requirements.

Dinner (preferably before 08:30pm)
Steamed food, Light meal.

You may stock RiteBite nutrition bars(especially Work-Out bars) for convenience and consult your gym instructor to know how best to consume them.

Please check the Dos and Don’ts


Morning (08:30am)

Cereal breakfast
Any of Wheat flakes, Corn flakes, Rice flakes, Alu paratha, Idli, Upma, Bhakhri, Shira, Khakra, Whole Wheat bread
Or Eggs, Omlet
Or a RiteBite nutrition bar 150 ml of milk

In-between hunger (11:00am)

1 banana
Or a RiteBite nutrition bar (preferably RiteBite ChocoDelite)
Or dry fruits (Not more than 3 to 4 pieces)

Lunch (01:15 pm)

Whole wheat Roti, Green vegetable, leafy salad, dahi

Evening (04:30pm)

1 RiteBite nutrition bar (Krunch or any other flavour) + 1 fresh fruit juice Or a fruit plate (with 1 citrus fruit)

Dinner (preferably by 08:30pm)

Dal + rice, Khichadi and a fresh fruit (preferable an apple)

Please stock some RiteBite nutrition bars or dry fruits in your office drawer. Avoid having too many beverages.

Please check the Dos and Don’ts post


Morning (08:30am)
Cereal breakfast
Any of
Wheat flakes, Corn flakes, Rice flakes, Alu paratha, Idli, Upma, Bhakhri, Shira, Khakra, Whole Wheat bread
Or a RiteBite nutrition bar
+ 150 ml of milk

In-between hunger (11:00am)
1 banana or an Apple

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Any - Khichadi, Green salad, Rice, dahi
Avoid Idli, Dosa, Sandwiches, Dhokla along with any other fried, junk or spicy food.

Evening (04:30pm)
1 RiteBite nutrition bar high in fiber (RiteBite Sugarless Diet bars or RiteBite Women bar) + 1 fresh fruit juice
Or a fruit plate (1 serving Apple + 1 serving banana)

Dinner (preferably before 08:30pm)
Any light meal.
Avoid bread, milk, curds, buttermilk or besan at nights
Also avoid fermented and baked food

In case of high acidity one scoop of vanilla ice cream can provide some relief.
Drink loads of water throughout the day.

Please check the Dos and Don’ts


Morning (08:30am)
Cereal breakfast
Any of
Alu paratha, Idli, Upma, Fruit platter
+ 150 ml of milk

In-between hunger (11:00am)

1 banana or an Apple

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Whole wheat roti, dal, Green vegetables, rice

Evening (04:30pm)
1 fresh fruit juice

Dinner (preferably before 08:30pm)
Any light meal.
Avoid bread, milk, curds, buttermilk or besan at nights

Please check the Dos and Don’ts


During the day time

Canned juice
Beverages (tea or coffee)
RiteBite nutrition bars (Any of them. Carry all assorted bars)
Dry fruits (not more than 2 to 3 at a time)
Healthy Oat or Whole Wheat cookies
Bottled purified water

Over night traveling

RiteBite nutrition bars
Bottled purified water

Maintain a good stock of RiteBite nutrition bars and bottled purified water


Eat every 3 to 4 hours
Maintain a liquid diet


Having any junk food, road side food, on-station food, dairy products or fried food while traveling.


Morning (08:30am)
Sabudana khichadi (without potatoes) rajgira paratha / thalipeeth
+ 150 ml of milk

In-between hunger (11:00am)
1 banana

Lunch (01:15 pm)
Cucumber salad, a boiled potato in dahi (with salt and pepper added to it)
Fresh fruit juice

Evening (04:30pm)
Dry fruits (not more than 3 pieces)

Dinner (preferably before 08:30pm)
Fruit salad.(a composition of apple, banana, chickoo, pomogranates, etc)

Avoid potato, potato chips and fried food while fasting.
Fasting regularly is not good for health. If you are following any of the diet plans you may avoid fasting for more than once a month.
Please check the Dos and Don’ts


  • Eat 5 or more times a day.
  • Drink sufficient water throughout the day – Atleast 10 glasses everyday
  • Take food in small bites.
  • Chew your food till it turns paste.
  • Take sufficient time to eat. Relish your food. Enjoy it.
  • Walk for atleast about 20 minutes daily (40 minutes for sugar watchers and weight watchers).
  • Use staircase upto 2 floors atleast once a day.
  • Sleep on time.
  • Take atleast 7 hours of daily on an average.
  • Maintain a stock of nutrition bars and healthy snacks along with you.
  • Maintain a wider choice of vegetables and fruits.
  • Stick to vegetarianism or eggetarianism.
  • Read the Disclaimer carefully.


  • Skip your meals
  • Have too much of sugar or beverages.
  • Survive on biscuits, cookies or anything based on flour(maida)
  • Eat junk food, outside food, sweetmeats or chocolates for more than once a month.
  • Consume fried food for more than twice a month at home.
  • Survive on self prescribed medicines or pain killers unless prescribed by medical practitioners.
  • Have home made sweets for more than once a month (not for sugar watchers).
  • Over-eat.
  • Follow these diet plans if you are already under some medication, treatment or under medical guidance.


You may follow the advice on this blog at your own discretion. The blog author will not assume responsibility for any consequences.
Avoid following any of the diet plans in case you are recovering from a medical condition or are already under medication, course or medical guidance.
You may consult your dietician or medical practitioner before following a diet plan for further guidance and required modification to suit your health.
Please be very careful about taking a chance with your health. You are responsible for your state of health.